
Do you know what Medicare doesn’t cover? Have you ever wondered if Medicare would cover your healthcare needs sufficiently? Of course, only certain people can qualify for Medicare due to age and income limitations. However, knowing what Medicare covers can help you to discover if it will be the right option for you. 

Vision Care

First, you should be aware that for the most part, Medicare doesn’t cover your vision care. Medicare won’t cover the cost of visits to an eye doctor to have an eye exam. You’ll be required to pay for the expenses of these exams. Eye exams can help you detect any vision issues you’re experiencing, which can lead to a diagnosis or prescription for contacts or eyeglasses. While this becomes a necessary health procedure, especially as you age, Medicare coverage won’t cover the cost of it. However, some Medicare plans might cover certain vision needs, such as diabetes-related eye exams. 

Dental Treatments

Original Medicare plans, such as Part A and Part B also do not cover the cost of dental care. For example, if you pay a visit to the dentist’s office for some routine cleaning procedures and discover you have a cavity, Medicare generally won’t cover those costs. Some Medicare Advantage plans might cover some dental costs, but that depends on your specific plan and eligibility. 

Even if you don’t receive the coverage you expected from your Medicare plan, make sure that you don’t neglect your dental health. Not taking care of your dental health can cause bacteria to fester, leading to gum disease. Some infections and oral diseases can even start to spread to your neck, face, jaw, and other parts of your body. So, make sure that you have a healthy oral care routine to keep your teeth healthy over time.

Long-Term Care

Remember, different Medicare plans will cover different healthcare needs. However, most Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care. This type of care can quickly become unbearably expensive without assistance. If you’re trying to cover long-term healthcare for yourself or a loved one, try looking into Medicaid instead. Medicaid often covers a bigger percentage of long-term care costs, such as living in an assisted living center, receiving hospice care, or participating in end-of-life care.


Medicare doesn't cover


So, if you’re looking into the possibility of receiving Medicare, remember the details in this article. Usually, Medicare doesn’t cover vision care, dental treatments, and long-term care, among other things. This can help you to know if Medicare will cover your healthcare needs sufficiently.

If you have any questions about Medicare, Medicare Supplements or Medicare Advantage Plans, please contact me at 913-390-3220.

Did you enjoy this article? Here’s more to read: How to Reduce Your Healthcare Spending in Retirement

Another good read: What’s Covered Medicare App

TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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