What Can Cause Your Business Insurance Premiums to Increase? As a business owner, you want to make sure that you have business insurance to keep your employees, products, and hard work protected from emergencies. However, you need to be aware of your business insurance premiums, which can be ridiculously expensive if you’re not vigilant of them. If you take the appropriate measures, you’ll be able to ensure your business in a way that is effective and affordable.

Being Negligent

Negligence can increase your business’ insurance premiums. Negligence simply means failing to take proper care and caution in a certain matter. You must take measures of safety and caution to ensure that your business is aware of certain risks that could increase your insurance premiums. There are lots of things that you can do within your business to make sure that you’re taking proper care of your business. For example, you can install safety measures in your business building like fire alarms, gas alarms, fire extinguishers, or sprinkler systems. You can make sure that there is sufficient lighting in your building, have clear exit routes, and keep an emergency cash stash on hand. You can also create a safety plan and instruct your employees about what they should do in an emergency. These are a few ideas that could help you to avoid negligence in your business, therefore keeping your business insurance premiums as low as possible.

Failing to Maintain Records

It is important to keep adequate business records so that you can prove the insurance rate that your business qualifies for. It is important to save your business asset records, your HR and employee records, and your tax records. Each of these records can help determine your business’ insurance rates. If you fail to keep proper business records, your insurance premiums will likely increase, as you won’t have the information to argue against them increasing. Taking certain measures such as updating safety data sheets can improve safety outcomes. This in turn would prove the quality of safety in your business and keep your insurance rates low.


Over time, the cost of labor, products, and goods inevitably goes up, causing inflation. While this is something that we are used to hearing about, it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. Just as the costs of your business can increase, the costs of running an insurance business increase as well, which causes higher premium rates. This is something that happens regularly in our economy. Even though Inflation isn’t something that a single business can combat, you can take appropriate measures to make sure that your business stays afloat financially.

It may seem that there is an increasing number of reasons why your business might have increased insurance premiums, but rest assured that there are solutions to this issue. Many businesses are striving to do the same thing and many insurance providers that want to make sure that your business is protected at an affordable rate. By taking vigilant care of your business, its records, products, and employees, you’ll have a good chance at keeping your insurance premiums at a manageable level. We hope you found this information useful on What Can Cause Your Business Insurance Premiums to Increase.

As a business owner, it’s important to protect your assets. See our business insurance offerings here!

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TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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