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The Specifics of Relocating to a New State


Uprooting your life to start somewhere fresh is an intimidating endeavor. Encountering so many challenges at once while also keeping life on track in one’s current location can make the process feel nearly impossible. Knowing what to look out for before even starting this process can ensure the move to a new state goes smoothly, and with minimal stress.


Assess the Cost of Living


The move can’t begin without first figuring out what state you’ll be moving to, and the best way to determine which places will be viable is by considering the cost of living. Studies show that the cost of living in Kansas is fairly cheap when compared to the rest of the country. Living in Olathe, for instance, is less expensive than living in many other American cities.


The median home value is about $187,000, while the average rent for a one bedroom apartment is $701. The mean cost of childcare is about $10,000 per year.


One cost you need to be sure to budget for is your renters or homeowners insurance. To help find the best insurance and the best price for you, contact TCG Insurance Solutions today.


Have a Detailed Plan


Once the region has been selected, the planning process can begin. Buying a home in the suburbs, for instance, will invite a different set of challenges than renting an apartment in the city. Getting pre-approved for a housing loan is a great way to mitigate stress and ensure you can make an offer soon after finding the home you want. Living within your means can be difficult in an unfamiliar place, so finding gainful employment should be a high-priority task as soon as you know where you’ll be living.


If Starting a Business, Know Where to Begin


Rather than looking for work, your goal for this move may be to start a business of your own. This brings with it its own list of complications, in addition to the move itself. Any individual or organization that may be willing to fund the venture will want to know you can fulfill your vision, so a business plan needs to be formed in even greater detail than your moving plans. This breakdown should include how much money will be needed for each aspect of the startup, what sorts of profits can be expected, how staffing is structured regarding management and workers, what services your company will sell, and how you will go about selling them.


Become a Part of the Community


The papers are signed, you’re settled into your home, and you’re either ready to join your new state’s workforce or bolster it with your own business. It’s time to see what this place has to offer. Event guides can help more outgoing arrivals meet new people around the community. More introverted types might find specialty shops or smaller clubs built around their interests. Whatever method is chosen, new arrivals will need to put themselves out there to some extent to acclimate to their newly adopted area.


You may experience difficulty getting connected with a local physician after you move. If that is the case, it can help to look into affordable online doctors on a telehealth platform. You can make a convenient appointment online and meet from the comfort and privacy of home. There are a wide variety of doctors available, and if you need medication, prescriptions can be sent to your local pharmacy.


Moving to a new state is as stressful as it is exciting. With so many opportunities for personal and professional growth, new relationships, and fresh sights, it can feel overwhelming, even when things are going smoothly. However, having a plan before even starting can keep everything manageable.

Paul Carrigan
Author: Paul Carrigan

Licensed agent in Kansas, Missouri and Ohio.

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