Protect Your Personal Information Online


Protect your personal Information online, this is crucial in avoiding fraud and identity theft. Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is basically your personal information such as name, phone number, address and email. Advances in Technology and consumers turning to the ease and convenience of online shopping can easily put personal information within the reache of scams artists and criminals looking to capitalize and exploit your information.

AARP has recently published an article titled “The Bad Guys – Who are they and how to stop them”. The article looks at ways to fight fraud in 2022. They offer 6 key points on what you can do to protect your personal identifiable information online. Lets look at these ways to protect your personal information..

Multifactor Authentication.  When you set up an account online require them to use multifactor identification. This may seem a little more tedious because it adds an extra step to log into a digital account. Along with providing an username and password, another added step, usually a 6 or 7 digit code will be sent to you smartphone for you to enter before you will be able to access your digital account. This extra step provides crucial added security for your online accounts.

Freeze Your Credit at the 3 Major Credit Bureaus. If your personal information is already in the hands of an online scammer, this step will help to deter them from making an online purchase in your name and can save you from someone racking up charges on your accounts.

Do Not Save Credit Card Numbers Online. Saving credit card information online, although convenient, can leave you exposed if someone manages to breach you online account.  If you leave your credit card information online, you have an increased rick of getting your information stolen or used fraudulently.

Use Biometric Locks on Smart Phones and Tablets.  Enabling this feature adds a layer of security to your devices. In the event of your phone or tablet being stolen or  lost, biometric locks can prevent your device from being opened and access to your private information.

Use Antivirus Software and Perform Cybersecurity updates on your Devices. This is an important step in threat protection for your devices. Using antivirus software can identify and deter the use of malicious spyware and malware on your devices. Keeping your cybersecurity updates can also protect against the latest threats and protect your device from various types of threats.

Protect Your Phone Number. More and More you phone number plays a part in your identification. Removing it from your online accounts can decrease it being used to identify you. Even though phone numbers are used to create accounts, you can always remove it after creating on online account.


Other Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online


It’s important to always be mindful and take steps to protect your personal information online. According to IdentityForce, every 2 seconds in the United States, there is a victim of identity theft. Also 9 out of 10 Americans encountered a fraud attempt in the last year. Disturbingly, seniors over the age of 60 are the most common victims of identity theft. Using the ways discussed above can help protect your personal identifiable information. There are other steps you can take. You can also make an effort to change your passwords regularly on your devices. Use passwords with combinations of numbers and special characters.

Be cautious of how much information you volunteer on social media sights, innocent looking polls or questions can be attempts to gain personal information online. Make an effort to periodically monitor your credit report and any changes that occur. Lastly, insuring yourself with an ID Theft monitoring plan. According to, listed are their picks for the best plans. 

We hope you found this information on 6 Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online useful and will utilize some of these methods. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to us here at TCG Insurance Solutions and we can discuss your needs and the importance to protect your personal information.

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Paul Carrigan
Author: Paul Carrigan

Licensed agent in Kansas, Missouri and Ohio.

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