TCG Insurance

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  • TCG Insurance


Why is Fall Prevention So Important for Seniors?

As we age, we may lose core strength and be unable to maintain our balance. This risk, coupled with bone density loss, puts us at...

How to Save Money to Buy a House

If you want to stop paying rent and find a house that’s truly yours, you will need a down payment. The more cash you have...

3 Tips for Navigating Life as a Senior with Disabilities

Regardless of the source of your disability, you are likely facing a difficult change and some tough decisions. However, you could have access to more...

Factors That May Hurt Your Car Insurance Claim

When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you can file a car insurance claim in order to get some compensation that you can...

What Should I Look for in a Senior Care Facility?

Making a choice to move yourself or a loved one into a senior care facility is not an easy process. Whether making this decision for...

Warning Signs That Your Teen Isn’t Ready to Learn to Drive

Your Teen isn’t ready. As teenagers enter their junior or senior year of high school, they’re going to start picking up adult responsibilities. A few...

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