How Your Body Changes With Age. “Getting old is not for sissies.” Bette Davis, famed actress of the silver screen, knew what she was talking about. Two of the easiest ways to keep your mind and body as healthy as possible for as long as possible is to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Your Bones

Even with knee pads and wrist guards, it might not be a good idea to take up roller derby or skateboarding as you get up in age. Bones thin out and lose density. This is one of the major causes of fractures in older people. Women who are post-menopausal are at a higher risk. Osteopenia is the early stage of osteoporosis, but either makes it more important to use caution when walking and doing potentially dangerous activities. Ironically, walking is good for osteopenia and can help stave off osteoporosis. If osteoporosis does develop, non-weight bearing exercises such as cycling, kayaking, and swimming are good choices for bone health, according to AlgaeCal.


According to the University of Utah Health, the older you get, the more apt you are to have age-related problems with your vision. Those problems can include cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. If you have diabetes, you may also be at risk for diabetic retinopathy. In addition to eating a healthy diet for your eyes, see your ophthalmologist to help keep your good vision as long as you can.

Your Mind

According to Gomez Trial Attorneys, brain injuries can be caused by accidents, while an infection or stroke occurs through non-violent events and can lead to lasting damage to brain tissue. Falling and hitting your head can harm your brain as much as getting head-butted in a football game.

Your mind needs to stay active by doing crossword puzzles or other word games. You might feel you’re not able to remember as well as you once did. You feel as though your mind is not as sharp as it used to be. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, there is a point when your doctor needs to be consulted. Doctors can tell you if you have reached the stage called mild cognitive impairment and help you know what to do about it.

Aging is part of life and can be difficult. It is possible to get to a ripe old age in relatively good shape if you take care of yourself and see your doctor regularly to keep on top of any problems.

Related Blog Posts:

Why Exercise Becomes More Important As You Get Older

Additional Resources:

New!! – The Ultimate Guide to Aging Well: Diet, Exercise and Health Tips

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Author: TCG Insurance

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