Owning a vacation home is a luxury that many people enjoy, but keeping it secure while you’re away can be a challenge. Whether you only use it a few times a year or rent it out to guests, ensuring your property is safe and secure is important. We will discuss some tips for securing your vacation home while you’re away.

Lock Windows and Doors

One of the simplest ways to keep your vacation home secure is to lock all windows and doors. Ensure that all locks are functioning properly and that there are no damaged or broken locks. If you have a sliding glass door, you can also use a dowel or rod to prevent the door from being opened from the outside.  As an extra layer of security, you can also consider installing a home security system or camera. Doing so will alert you if any suspicious activity is detected and give you peace of mind while away from your vacation property. With these simple steps, you can help ensure your property remains secure and protected throughout the year.

Add Security Features

Another way to enhance the security of your vacation home is to install security features such as an alarm system or surveillance cameras. When selecting a camera system, opting for one with high-resolution capabilities is important to ensure that crucial details can be captured. Low-resolution cameras won’t be able to capture important details when you need them to. You may also want to consider smart home security systems that allow you to monitor your property remotely from your smartphone.  This will allow you to watch your home from anywhere in the world. Adding motion-sensor lights can help deter potential intruders as they approach your property.

Have Someone Check on It

Even with the best security measures in place, having someone check on your vacation home periodically is always a good idea. This can be a neighbor, friend, or family member who lives nearby or a property management company. Having someone come by and check on your home can help deter criminals and ensure that any issues are addressed in a timely manner.  This can also give you peace of mind that your vacation home is safe and secure while you’re not there. If you have a property manager, they can keep an eye on the outside of your house to make sure it looks well cared for, and any potential problems are addressed quickly. Having someone periodically check on your vacation home is one of the most important steps you can take to secure it while away. 

Owning a vacation home can be a wonderful experience, but it’s important to take steps to ensure that it’s safe and secure while you’re away. By locking windows and doors, adding security features, having someone check on it, notifying neighbors and local authorities, and hiring a property management company, you can rest easy knowing that your property is being taken care of.

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TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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