Events That Commonly Result in Home Insurance Claims

If you are a homeowner, then the most important thing that you can have is homeowners’ insurance. All too often the homeowners think that they can forego homeowners’ insurance and take on the risk of something happening to their home. But homeowners’ insurance almost always pays for itself. How can this be? Well, the answer lies in the fact that home insurance claims are common. If you know when you can make a home insurance claim you will almost certainly make a worthwhile investment in giving homeowners insurance period here are three events that commonly result in home insurance claims that you should claim for if they happen to you.


The first event that commonly results in home insurance claims is fires. Fires can take place for all sorts of reasons, whether they are wildfires that spread to your neighborhood, or a kitchen fire, or a child playing with matches, fires are very common in the household. The great news for people with homeowners’ insurance is that it almost always covers damage caused by fires, of any type. If a fire causes any sort of damage to your home or the loss of use of any property in your home, then you should seriously consider making a home insurance claim. Your home insurance is there to protect you from events like fires, so don’t be afraid to use it.

Water Damage

The next event that commonly results in home insurance claims is water damage. Water damage is different from flood damage. Flood damage is almost never covered in a home insurance policy, and typically requires its own separate type of insurance period but water damage that is caused by rain or plumbing issues is covered by regular homeowners’ insurance. You should always do your best to ensure that your plumbing will not cause water damage in your home. Drain cleaners help clear your plumbing so you can avoid a burst pipe. But in an emergency your homeowner’s insurance should cover the damage that water might cause.


The final and most surprising event that commonly results in home insurance claims is theft. Many homeowners don’t realize that they’re insurance covers robbery and theft as well. Your home is the most logical place for you to keep your valuables and a forcible intrusion of your home is covered by your insurance period if you have had any of your property stolen from your home know that your home insurance should be liable to cover the cost of these items.

Homeowners insurance is an absolute necessity for each homeowner. This is because it almost always pays off in the long run. These three events are very common and typically result in home insurance claims which are accepted.

Check out this article on how to reduce your homeowners insurance claims!

TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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