Hobbies You Can Fill Your Time With in Retirement. As you get closer to retirement, the days and months where you won’t have to work become increasingly enticing. But as you look forward to this time of leisure, you must plan carefully. If you don’t plan out what you hope to devote your time to, it becomes very possible, if not likely, that that extra time you will have will disappoint rather than enthrall.

Take College Classes

One of the best Hobbies You Can Fill Your Time With in Retirement is enrolling in different college classes. Taking a few classes can help you immerse yourself in that love of learning that you experienced when you were in school. And now that you are retired, you can take classes purely for the enjoyment factor.

And if you aren’t super excited by the prospect of having to write papers, take tests, and do different assignments, figure out which classes you can audit. Auditing a class means that you can attend the class lectures and participate to the level you are interested in but you won’t have to do the assignments or get a grade at the end.


Another great hobby to consider is photography. Learning how to use a good camera doesn’t have to be a formulaic process. Maybe you start by taking pictures of different flowers or plants that you love in your garden. Or maybe you use this developing hobby as a way to bond with grandchildren—make them the subjects of your photos!

In all, taking up photography can be as intensive or casual as you want it to be. If you want to dive into the art, there are a variety of online and in-person classes that you could take. If you want to just experiment with the camera, look up different tutorials on YouTube and start experimenting.


As you start to have more free time during retirement, getting outside is a great way to enrich your life. In addition to simply taking walks and spending time outside, gardening can be a great hobby that allows you to enjoy the fresh outdoors while cultivating a new skill.

There are a variety of things you should be thinking about when you start gardening—make sure that you’ve decided on the scale and type of garden you want. Do you want to limit your garden to a few plants on your patio? Or do you want a larger-scale garden with multiple planter boxes? Do you want to grow mainly flowers and herbs? Or do you also want to grow vegetables?

As you start to develop your garden, make sure that you’re using the right things to enrich your soil. For example, even if you want to repel pests from getting into your garden, go the natural route. For example, avoiding chemicals by using mulch to repel weeds can lead to a healthier garden.

Community Volunteering

In addition to taking up a hobby like gardening, having free time allows you the opportunity to volunteer in different capacities. For example, you may enjoy spending time at the public library reading to children for an hour once a week. Or maybe, you’d like to go and visit individuals who are staying at a hospital.

Participating in these types of volunteering activities can enrich your life and allow you to connect with more people. As you start to figure out what kind of volunteering you want to get into, try a variety of different things, and eventually, you’ll settle on a few things that feel right for you. 


Keeping up your health is important and developing a hobby like golfing that helps you stay active is a great way to do that. Golfing is a great hobby to get into as you get older for a variety of reasons. First, golfing involves an extraordinary amount of control as you learn the form of the swing. But at the same time, it tends to be significantly easier on joints than other forms of exercise. 

This aspect of the sport will not only allow you to exercise different muscles like your arms, shoulders, knees, and hips, but it also tends to prove incredibly enjoyable because of the challenge involved in mastering the swing.

Additionally, golfing also involves a good amount of walking from hole to hole. Walking is one of the healthiest ways to keep your body in good shape. Getting in the habit of walking around a golf course from each hole to the next will provide less intensive exercise that will stretch your muscles and help you maintain flexibility and motion.


Just as golfing can help you have quality active time outdoors, playing tennis is another sport to consider. You can approach this approach with as casual or as intensive a plan as you like. Enroll in classes if you want or find some friends who also enjoy the sport and play with them every weekend.

Learning an Instrument

During those winter months or months when the weather is less accommodating, learning an instrument can be a great hobby to pick up. Not only is learning music incredibly fulfilling, but playing different instruments involves manual dexterity. Taking the time to practice the piano, for example, will help you maintain your manual and fine motor skills while enjoying a leisurely activity like playing Bach.


Ultimately, reading may be one of the best hobbies that you can develop. With so many endless books out there, there is so much knowledge to acquire and new ideas to learn about. Taking the time each day to read a little bit will fill your life with new ideas, new stories, and new places. Reading will expand your mind and help you consider things in new ways. Plus, reading tends to be an incredibly relaxing activity so it will help you more generally improve your quality of life.

While thinking about these ideas offers you a great start towards figuring out how to best use your time in retirement, not all these options may feel like the best fit for you. So, as you continue to construct your perfect retirement plan, make sure to reach out to others. Talking with friends who are already retired as well as doing other research can help you find the best activities that will fit your lifestyle. We hope you enjoyed our suggestions on Hobbies You Can Fill Your Time With in Retirement.

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TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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