Many of us are great planners, some are average and for some, planning is difficult. Regardless of how well you plan there is one event none of us likes to think about. We plan our whole lives but naturally, we don’t even like to think of our own mortality and how the world is going to going to continue on without us. It’s at the very least deserves a conversation about how final expenses will be paid and what source of income they will be paid from.

I am sure you have heard all the statistics on costs or at least heard them but not gave them much attention. One statistic I saw said that 90% of Americans believe pre-funding your arrangements is the right thing to do but only around 12% have actually done so.

The reality is funeral expenses can be expensive and planning for them can relieve financial burden on the surviving family members. From personal experience, I can tell you it is hard enough losing a loved one, in my case, a brother. It made it harder to realize there was no plan of any kind, no will, no life insurance to guide us siblings on what to.

We all have only have so much time on earth. We, of course, need to make the most of our time and live life to the fullest extent possible. Have the conversation and ask questions.   If you need help finding answers contact me, I would be glad to assist. Final Expense plans can ensure you will not leave survivors in a financial pinch and cause a burden on family members.

Please Contact me for questions concerning Final Expense. There is of course no obligation and I would be honored to help in your decision making process.


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Tracie Carrigan
Author: Tracie Carrigan

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