Different Careers That Need Extra Insurance

Everyone needs insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, homeowners, or renters’ insurance, even life insurance. But did you know that many careers require separate insurances of their own to ensure that you are operating safely and without too much additional risk? There are a lot more different types of insurance than the ones you are personally familiar with, and you should get familiar with them quickly if you are involved in any of these careers. Here are three different careers that require extra insurance to work in safely and maintain your financial and legal safety.


You may be shocked to hear that if you are a doctor, it is a good idea to have some extra insurance to protect yourself. Doctors are very high paid professionals who work with the health of patients quite directly. This means that if something goes wrong, you may find yourself looking at a malpractice lawsuit. Therefore, many doctors should consider medical malpractice insurance to cover themselves in the event of a malpractice suit. Malpractice suits can be devastating for doctors and practices if you don’t have the insurance, so it is almost always a good idea to carry some amount of private medical malpractice insurance.

Real Estate Agents

Another example of careers that require extra insurance is that of a real estate agent. As a real estate agent, you will be shepherding your clients through what could potentially be the single largest purchase they make in their lifetime. If something goes wrong, they will come after you. Which is why many real estate agents are required to have Errors and Omissions insurance, or E and O insurance for short. This insurance protects you against liability suits if you are found negligent of your duties as a real estate agent. Protecting yourself and your business is just as important as making sure you are taking care of your clients.

Personal Trainers

The final example of careers that need extra insurance to operate safely is that of a personal trainer. Personal training is a wonderful career option for people who care about fitness and wish to help others on their journey in fitness. But personal trainers are working in a field that has a high chance of injury for their clients. Liability insurance is a necessity for personal trainers so that if a client gets injured during a session, it doesn’t destroy your practice.

Insurance is a great tool that can protect you from the worst outcomes. And some careers are almost impossible to work in without additional forms of insurance. If you are in any of these fields or considering joining them, know that you will need some extra insurance to protect yourself.

Check out this article on how to reduce your homeowner insurance claims!

TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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