eTechnology That Can Help Seniors

Promising new technological advancements enable seniors to remain in their homes and retain their independence for longer than ever. Understandably, many older people are hesitant to move away from their houses, with all their friends and family in close proximity, to a strange new environment. Financial burden is another issue, because retirement homes can be incredibly expensive. So, what new technology can allow you to stay in your home and avoid the headache of moving into an assisted living facility? Here are a few of the tools you might consider using.

Mobility Technology

Decreasing mobility is a major issue for seniors and one of the primary reasons many people make the decision to turn to retirement homes. Medical practitioners at Harvard University have identified a major benchmark for the loss of mobility when assessing patients: do you have difficulty walking up 10 steps on a staircase? If the answer is yes, then some degree of intervention may be necessary. Fortunately, a wide selection of mobility equipment is available, including walkers, canes, electric scooters and more. Specialized equipment can also be installed in the home such as a lift that carries you up the stairs rather than requiring walking. By fitting a home for accessibility, seniors can stay far longer in their own, comfortable homes.

Hearing Aids

About 20% of Americans live with some degree of hearing loss. Hearing aids do not restore your normal hearing, but can improve it by amplifying soft sounds, helping you to hear sounds you have a hard time hearing. The technology has come a long way, as the devices nowadays are smaller, more affordable and more effective than previous generations of hearing aids. You don’t have to live with hearing loss, and using the right assistive technology can help you stay safe at home.

Monitoring Equipment

Falls and other accidents can cause severe injuries, especially in older people who have experienced a loss of bone strength. Many seniors live alone and reaching a phone can be difficult after a slip and fall accident. Therefore, taking measures to mitigate this risk should be a priority for seniors living in their own homes. Monitoring equipment with a connection to an operator who can call for help in a time of need, such as a device worn around the neck, can enable timely care to be sought following a fall. 

Aging does not automatically mean a loss of independence. With the help of modern technological developments like these like these, many people can enjoy decades of peaceful life in their own homes as they reach retirement age and beyond. Keep up to date and research how technology that can help seniors can help you.

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Additional Resources:

New for 2023: 8 Ways to Beat Social Isolation & Loneliness When You Get Older

New for 2023: The Cell Phone Buyers Guide

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New for 2022Preventing age discrimination when applying for a job

New for 2021 !! – Digital Money for Seniors

New for 2021!! – The Best Medical Alert Systems

New for 2021!! – Verizon Phone Plans an Mobile Device Security for Seniors

NEW!! – Internet Discounts Guide for Senior Citizens

Internet Basics for Seniors

Smart Tech for Seniors

TCG Insurance
Author: TCG Insurance

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