93 Days of Summer – 2017

Summer is 93 days long in 2017. It is definitely here and with it comes vacations, suntans and family fun. Another indication of summer is the increase in railroad traffic and maintenance projects. Are you being recalled as an engineer, being brought back off of furlough or having to work territories your not too familiar with?

It might be a good time to dust off that job insurance policy you haven’t look at in years and see what coverage you have and, if applicable, see who is listed as your beneficiary.

If you have questions about your LECMPA policy, get in touch with me and we can review your policy and make any needed changes. With LECMPA’s new daily maximum you can increase your daily benefit up to $252 a day as long as you meet the income requirement.

Nobody plans on a de-certification or getting held from service. Unfortunately, it, can happen, especially with the increased scrutiny of rules and procedures. Protect your self and your greatest asset, your source of income from discipline and being held from service.

If you know of anyone having job insurance questions or needing to get signed up, please give them my number and I’ll be happy to assist them with their job insurance needs.

Have a great 93 Days of Summer !
Paul Carrigan – 913-837-0434



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Tracie Carrigan
Author: Tracie Carrigan

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